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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Information on Different Species of Roaches

Guyana Orange Spotted Cockroach (Blaptica dubia)
Adult Size - 1 1/2-2"

Growth Rate - Very Slow. 4-6 Months to maturity.

Ideal Production Temperatures - 78-95 Degrees.

Mobility - They can flutter, but don't really fly. They do not climb.

Production - Medium Production, Live Birth, Gestation is 28 days.

Sexual Dimorphism - Males have large wings, females have tiny wing stubs.

Lobster Roaches (Naupheta cinerea)
Adult Size - 1 1/4-1 1/2"

Growth Rate - Pretty fast, they reach adulthood at three or so months.

Ideal Production Temperatures - 85-95, the hotter the better production. Some people keep these guys successfully at 100 degrees for high production.

Mobility - They flutter, but do not fly. These guys are very talented climbers.

Production - High Production, They do not give Live Birth, but hold on to their eggs, 30 days Gestation.

Sexual Dimorphism - Females have small white dots and lines pointing to the center of their abdomen.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
Adult Size - 3-4"

Growth Rate - Pretty fast, 3 months or so to reach adulthood after birth.

Ideal Production Temperatures - 85-96 Degrees

Mobility - Flightless, Capable of Climbing.

Production - Live Birth, Low Production, 30 Day Gestation.

Sexual Dimorphism - Males have "horns" on their prothorax, females are smooth.

Turkistan Roach (Blatta lateralis)
Adult Size - 1-1 1/4"

Growth Rate - Medium, 3-5 Months.

Ideal Production Temperatures - 80-95 degrees.

Mobility - They do not climb, Flightless (but they can Flutter).

Production - Fast, Egg Production, they attach the eggs to various things in the enclosure.

Sexual Dimorphism - Males are light in color with wings, females are red/brown with no wings.

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